Are you Getting On Your Dog’s Nerves?
Having a furry friend in your household calms the entire space and makes everything seem lighter. There is nothing more uplifting than having a loyal and affectionate pooch in your midst!
Despite that, it’s important to realize that this isn’t a human, adult or child, and this is a species which has its own quirks, likes, and dislikes. Dogs are quite pliable and generally even-tempered, however, you have to remember that they are an animal at the end of the day!
Dogs don’t like to be forced into situations that don’t come naturally to them, and because you love your furry friend, it’s important that you understand the things dogs don’t like, so you can avoid them. You want to make your dog feel as comfortable and settled as possible, so bear these 5 things humans do that dogs hate in mind, and avoid at all costs!
Making Eye Contact For Too Long
You might think you’re psychically transmitting your love to your dog, but you’re actually taking them back to pack mentality. Eye contact, especially over long periods of time, is a way for dogs to confirm their dominance in a group, and it can trigger fights between alpha dogs. By making eye contact your dog isn’t sure what’s going on, and if your dog is new to your household, it could cause aggression.
Not Letting Your Dog Sniff Around Whilst Out Walking
You know how it goes; you’re out walking with your dog and they want to stop and sniff at lampposts, trees, and sidewalks. It’s annoying because you want to keep going, so you encourage them to carry on, taking the sniffing opportunity away. The problem is, sniffing is how dogs assess and understand their environment and their heightened sense of smell allows them to gather all manner of information on their neighborhood and general surroundings. Let them sniff!
Too Much Noise
We all know that dogs dislike loud noises, such as fireworks, but how about the noise level in your house? You might not realize it but perhaps the TV or music is on too loud, or there is too much banging, slamming, and perhaps shouting going on. Be mindful of how much noise you subject your dog to and perhaps try and tone it down a little.
Forced Bath Time
You might think your dog will love the water once they’re in, and of course, they need to be clean, but dogs aren’t used to baths and showers, and they’re certainly not used to soap and suds! Dogs like splashes of water, but they’re not big fans of being soaked or the noise of a bath filling up with water.
To help your dog stay calm at the bath shower, run the water slowly, praise them lots, and always handle their fear with as much sensitivity as you can.
Dressing up Time
It’s a big no-no!
You might think your dog looks adorable dressed up as batman, but your dog feels uncomfortable and the clothes are too tight for them. Dogs aren’t meant to wear clothes, so the restrictive feel of anything against their skin is distressing for them.
If you really must see your dog dressed up as your favorite superhero, because they’re a superhero in your eyes, stick to Snapchat filters!
Avoid these five much-hated things and help your dog to feel calmer in their home environment.