Category: Dog Diary
A Dog’s Diary: Freedom of Speech… or Bark
Dear Diary, I know a lot of humans get annoyed when dogs bark; I’m not sure why they don’t care about our freedom of speech? But we actually have a reason for it, and it’s not because we like the sound of our own voice. Well, maybe we do a little. Really, there are lots of reasons why we bark. We might do it because there’s a threat (you don’t know that the UPS man … Continue reading “A Dog’s Diary: Freedom of Speech… or Bark”
A Dog’s Diary: Charlie’s Top 5 Job Choices
Dear Diary, My humans keep watching the news reports about stocks and bonds and unemployment and the economy – all things that make me want to yawn, turn around three times, and nap until the mailman gets here at noon and I have to defend my castle. Even so, it kind of intrigues me, too, and I find myself wondering what kind of job I would have if I was allowed to be employed. I … Continue reading “A Dog’s Diary: Charlie’s Top 5 Job Choices”
A Dog’s Diary: Charlie’s Life After The Quarantine
Dear Diary, Now that my mom and dad are leaving the house again, I’ve reclaimed my kingdom. When they’re gone, I’m in charge – the big cheese, the head honcho, the top dog. And, also, the only one here. As a pack leader, I do all sorts of things. I try to pry open the refrigerator with my claws (I’m commander-in-chief but I really want to be commander-of-beef), I sleep in the bed (I’m not … Continue reading “A Dog’s Diary: Charlie’s Life After The Quarantine”
5 Summer Plans For Dogs During This Pandemic
Dear Diary, I think this summer might be a little bit different than it’s been in the past. Things aren’t back to normal entirely, but real life feels closer each day. Even so, it’s been three months since I’ve seen my friends: I got 99 problems and the dog park is one of them. So, since that might not be part of my summer plans, I’ve decided to create my own fun. Here is what … Continue reading “5 Summer Plans For Dogs During This Pandemic”
Things I Like To Try When My Owner Walks Me Outside Again
Dear Diary, Have you noticed an unsettling trend lately? I know I have. Our owners aren’t taking us for as many walks as they were. Instead, they’re going out to sit on patios and drink coffee with their two-legged friends, they’re walking into grocery stores, they’re headed to salons to get their fur cut. Some are even leaving each morning…..and not returning for eight hours. Eight hours! That’s 56 hours to us. We knew it … Continue reading “Things I Like To Try When My Owner Walks Me Outside Again”